softmax 是logistic回归的多值的扩展。
forward and backward
The Net::Forward() and Net::Backward() methods carry out the respective passes while Layer::Forward() and Layer::Backward() compute each step.
The Solver optimizes a model by first calling forward to yield the output and loss, then calling backward to generate the gradient of the model, and then incorporating the gradient into a weight update that attempts to minimize the loss.
Vision Layers
Vision layers usually take images as input and produce other images as output.
c channel; w width; h height;
Local Response Normalization (LRN)
Loss Layers
Loss drives learning by comparing an output to a target and assigning cost to minimize.
Sigmoid Cross-Entropy
Accuracy and Top-k
Activation / Neuron Layers
taking one bottom blob and producing one top blob of the same size.
- ReLU / Rectified-Linear and Leaky-ReLU : Given an input value x, The ReLU layer computes the output as x if x > 0 and negative_slope * x if x <= 0.
- Sigmoid
- TanH / Hyperbolic Tangent : tan(x)
- Absolute Value
- power
- BNLL : log(1 + exp(x))
Data Layers
Data enters Caffe through data layers: they lie at the bottom of nets.
Common Layers
- InnerProduct
- Splitting
- Flattening
- Reshape
- Concatenation
- Slicing
- Elementwise Operations
- Argmax
- Softmax
- Mean-Variance Normalization (MVN)
The solver orchestrates model optimization by coordinating the network’s forward inference and backward gradients to form parameter updates that attempt to improve the loss.